The Art of Giving and, hopefully, receiving
Two weeks ago Elsbeth Donovan spoke about this article (attached). Although not completely centred around funding the arts, there are some foundations that are listed that might consider arts programme/training programmes (present and future) that are tailored to and furthers their cause. The Mail and Guardian is advertising a supplement that is specific to funding the arts during October - so I will watch out for it and post it as soon as it happens. Here are a few more foundations/organisations that I know of that you can also contact: - they supply huge funding to many projects. It is closed for this season, but get ready for next (2008/9)! Make sure you fill in their forms correctly and hit their deadlines otherwise they will not consider you. - not sure how you find out about their funding, but you can find out what they have funded here: - sections that might be of interest are: the SMME button (look under Integrated Small Enterprise Development strategy), and under Offerings button (look at Incentives and development finance) - an EU Conference, Workshop and CULTURAL INITIATIVES Fund. available to South Africa. - only for film, look under the funding section, they will fund training, development and production - they fund both motion pictures and publications - but do expect their money back.
If you get an angel investor, they can also get tax offset for any film investment they make. SARS allows this under Section 24F of the Income Tax Act. Get more info from
I have also asked Mike Auret to give us his list of funders - and I will post it to the b-log as soon as I get it.
If you know of any other funders, please post it up to the blog.
See you on Monday!